Hong Kong Shue Yan University Prospectus 2010-2011 = 香港樹仁大學概覽
- UA11-1-26
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- 1 December 2010
Part of University Publications
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Hong Kong Shue Yan University Prospectus 2010-2011 = 香港樹仁大學概覽
Part of University Publications
25th Anniversary Celebration Dinner - 26
Hong Kong Shue Yan College 30th Graduation Ceremony = 香港樹仁學院第三十屆畢業典禮
Part of University Publications
Newspaper clippings, 2001-2002
Part of Library
Part of Student Union Archives
Academic Conference on 'Review and Prospect of the 3rd Anniversary of the promulgation of Basic Law'
Part of Exhibition Hall's records
Dr. Chung Chi-yung and two unidentified guests
Dr. Chung Chi-yung and an unidentified guest
Unidentified guests visited Shue Yan Collgeg
Unidentified guests visited Shue Yan Collgeg
Shue Yan women's volleyball team
Unidentified meeting or seminar
Students' lunch party of an unidentified event
Dr. Chung Chi-yung dined with two guests in a Chinese restaurant
An unidentified guest at Dr. Chung Chi-yung's office
An unidentified guest at Dr. Chung Chi-yung's office
奮鬥35年終獲認同 政府擬一筆過資助 樹仁正名 成港首間私大
樹仁學生報. Dare. Volume 25, Issue 1
Part of Student Union Archives
U-Need. The 25th Student Union of Hong Kong Shue Yan University.
樹仁學生報. Dare. Special Issue (特號)
Part of Student Union Archives
U-Need. The 25th Student Union of Hong Kong Shue Yan University.
Hong Kong Shue Yan College 29th Graduation Ceremony = 香港樹仁學院第二十九屆畢業典禮
Part of University Publications
Academic conference 'WTO needs China, China needs WTO'
Part of Exhibition Hall's records
25th Anniversary Celebration Dinner - 25
Christmas event: children's carnival
Newspaper clippings, 1999-2001 (replica)
Part of Library