- UA14-2-3
- Deposit

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- UA14-2-2
- Deposit
- 1972-1982
Voice of Virtue was the first practicum newspaper produced and written by students from the Department of Journalism and Communications at Shue Yan College. It covered interviews, social issues, and the latest school developments from 1972 to 1982.
Department of Journalism and Communication
Exhibition Hall's Photo Wall records
- UA2-1
- Deposit
- 1970 - 2006
Part of Exhibition Hall's records
This collection includes original photos showcased on the Photo Wall in the Exhibition Hall, located on the G/F of the Main Academic Building.
The photo wall was divided into 10 themes as follows:
(1) Old and New School Buildings 新舊校舍一瞥,
(2) Academic Exchange Activities 學術交流活動,
(3) 30th Anniversary Celebration 慶祝卅週年活動,
(4) Student Activities 學生活動,
(5) Heads of Government Departments Visited Shue Yan 政府首長來訪,
(6) Chinese and Overseas Scholars Visited Shue Yan 國内外學者名人來訪,
(7) Academic Cooperation with Universities in China 與國内合辦課程及學術交流,
(8) Hong Kong Shue Yan University Inauguration Ceremony 香港樹仁大學正名典禮,
(9) Graduation Ceremonies 歷届畢業典禮,
(10) Shue Yan College Residential and Amenities Complex Topping-out Ceremony 宿舍文康大樓平頂典禮.